Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Brazen Fucking Number Crunching

Having a good trawl through Tyler’s fine blog getting myself all worked up about Alison feckless fucktard Goulding again I have found Tyler highlighting this graph.

Now… let’s have a look at this as it goes back some time. Right in fact to the heartland Labour party argument that if we have a Tory government then we’ll hark back to the days of 3 million unemployed and all that lefty socialist fuckwittery that they bang on about.

Looking at this graph I’ll deal with rough figures here.

Back in the glory days that they all bang on about, being 1986 we have 3 million people unemployed and roughly 1.1 million people on incapacity benefit.

Now in 2005 we have roughly 900,000 people unemployed and roughly 2.75 million on incapacity benefit.

So we have had a drop from 4.1 million to 3.65 million. Not exactly a huge drop is it? We’ve basically just swapped the Unemployment claimants over to claiming IB instead. Another classic Labour party tactic of move the figures into another column and the whole problem fucking goes away.

But it doesn’t.

Also look at the above graph, for all the Tories unemployment etc woes, they had pretty much got rid of it all by the time that Labour came into power in 1997, and what happens then? The fucking IB claims go through the roof as Labour just starts spoonfeeding the nation’s fucktards with our money.

When Brown bangs on about unemployment let’s all remember that all he’s done is his usual twatfuckery of swapping the figures.

He did the same with inflation as well.