Thursday, May 04, 2006

Restructuring in the Office of the DPM

I've just heard the news on Radio 2 and the inquiry about bullying and harrasment in the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. The Office has apparently agreed that a retraining program be implemented:

Might I suggest the following important lessons:

1. Secretaries are not there for sexual graification
2. Potential Voters / Protestors / Anyone should not be punched in the line of duty
3. Bullying is illegal under the same legislation the rest of us work under.
4. Office Hours are 9 to 5, sex hours are outside those.

Got that Prezza?

UPDATE: The BBC has caught up with Guttersnipe here. They do however have more information than I do:

"In response to the committee's findings, which were published on 26 January, the department said it did not tolerate any form of harassment and "took the issue very seriously". "

Surely the fact that Prescott is still there constitutes tolerating harrasment?

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